FALL 2025
Tootsie Roll Drive!
Proceeds to benefit children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. You'll see us around town. You can't miss our yellow vests!

FALL 2025
Membership Drive!
Though we are always welcoming new members, we will be recruiting new members and telling the public about the Knights of Columbus and our council during the tootsie roll drives. Outside St. Joseph church as well as Dunkin Donuts and Sudbury Farm. Come talk with us!

Thanksgiving & Christmas Food Dives
Aware that many are not in a position to provide a holiday meal for their families, we hold these annual drives. "What you do for the least of these, you do for me."
Super Bowl Party
Our annual Super Bowl Party features a great game on big flat screen TV's, some great prizes, and a great cause: financial support for our local Seminarians! Join us!

Trivia Nights & Music Bingo
Several times a year we host Trivia or Music Bingo Nights to support a variety of causes. Our host, Mike "Sarge" Riley, Boston Sports Radio personality, makes it a blast!
K of C Scholarship Award
Our annual Scholarship Program raises money to help local High School students pay their college tuition. Each year two deserving students receive a scholarship.

St. Patrick's Day Party
The K of C is the place to be on St. Patrick's day! We feature live entertainment and music and an authentic boiled dinner with all the fixins'! Proceeds go to our local Catholic School.
May Procession
Every Spring the Knights are honored to participate in the May Procession at St. Joseph Church. We carry the statue of the Blessed Virgin into church and into Mary's Garden to be crowned by the children.